Career Education
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Your career goals will evolve over time and you will undoubtedly face uncertainty at some point along your career. Gain clarity, confidence, and connections by exploring diverse career paths that will help you develop your current and future professional goals.
- Articulate what meaningful work means to you and the values you identify with
- Build professional relationships that will allow you to reflect on a variety of career options
- Create a career plan tailored to your professional goals
Suggested Framework
- Take the CliftonStrengths assessment, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory, or Meaningful Work Kit
- Complete a career education course (ENGR 311B/311D, EDUC 343A/343C)
- Explore CareerEd career resources
- Review CareerEd's Career Toolkits (Sustainability and Engineering, PhD and Postdocs)
- Attend CareerEd workshops (LinkedIn Labs, Networking, Interview Labs, Meaningful Work, CV/Resume Labs, etc.)
- Complete CareerEd’s Navigating Career Uncertainty 5 week program
- Participate in Stanford’s PhD Pathways events
- Participate in OPA’s Designing Your Postdoc session
- Participate in SGSI: Stanford Graduate Student Summer Institute
- Explore geoscience careers through GROW
- Explore the National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development
- Participate in relevant offerings focused on career education within SDSS (Pro-Seminars, workshops, alumni mixers, etc) or across the University
- Meet with a CareerEd career coach
- Connect with professionals and alums via Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM) network and the Stanford Alumni Directory
- Network at professional society events, gatherings, and mixers
- Conduct informational interviews with individuals from a variety of career paths and from different points in their career (early, mid, late)
- Participate in CareerEd Career Fairs
- Create your Individual Development Plan (myIDP) - career planning tool for scientists
- Practice a job or research talk by leading a SkillShare
- Search, apply, and interview for jobs and internships
Portfolio Piece
- Create an e-portfolio or professional website
- Establish your professional brand on digital platforms (LinkedIn, social media, etc.) - (get help with this by enrolling in PWR 91OID course)
- Prepare a CV, Resume, Cover Letter, or Transferable Skills Statement