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Annual Giving

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You can create opportunities, big and small.

Annual gifts are a crucial source of unrestricted funding that allows the school to allocate financial resources toward immediate priorities and promising new ideas.

Matching Program

Whether you have been a loyal annual supporter or are joining us for the first time, we have something special – just for you. To thank our most devoted donors, the school is offering a 1:1 match* on any renewed annual gift to the Sustainability Fund. 

*Match period runs September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. Total household giving, up to $50,000, will be matched. Matching gifts are not eligible to help secure placement within giving circles.

Sustainability Fund

Discretionary gifts to the Sustainability Fund are pooled to fund the dean's priorities or opportunities for which no other funding exists.

Department & Program Funds

Alumni and friends can provide support specifically for department chairs and program directors to deploy where they see the greatest needs in their areas.

Institute & Center Funds

General funds help fuel the school's institutes and centers to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and focus efforts on important initiatives.

“I give back because Stanford provided the background that I needed to have a satisfying career in the geosciences. I’m proud to give because the university is at the cutting edge of Earth science research and I’m happy to continue being part of the Stanford family.”

– Karen Grove, PhD ’89 Geology

Be a leader in annual giving

We recognize and thank our generous leading supporters in the following Giving Circles: 
 Leadership Circle: Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999* | Innovator Circle: Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999* | Dean’s Circle: Gifts of $10,000 and above*

*Stanford alumni who graduated within the past 10 years can earn recognition at these levels with gifts of $500, $2,500 and $5,000, respectively.