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Graduate student wellness

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At Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, we want our community to be as happy and healthy as it can be. The wellness initiative supports mental health and wellness among our graduate students.  Trained peer liaisons work within their department or program to make campus resources more accessible and to coordinate workshops on mental health and stress management.

By encouraging graduate students to serve as peer health educators within their own departments and programs, we hope to de-stigmatize these topics and provide communication within units.

Meet your peer student wellness liaisons:

Connect with graduate student liaisons from each department or program who can guide you to campus and external resources for mental health support. Student liaisons are not mental health counselors but are trained to engage in meaningful dialogue to get students support they may need.

Peer wellness liaisons

University mental health and wellness resources

If you would like help understanding which resource meets your needs, the Graduate Life Office is a great resource whose specialty is helping graduate students navigate the issues, challenges and complications of graduate school.

You can explore resources at the Student Affair's go-to hub for navigating the many mental health and well-being resources at Stanford.

Off-campus resources

This program is for you. Help us learn how we can do better.

Graduate students: Use this form to leave questions, comments, or ideas you'd like to share.

Suggestion Form