Geokids FAQ's
What time should we arrive? What is the schedule?
You must arrive about 9:15. It is best to begin the program on time. The students begin their first station at 9:30 am. The break time is at about 10:30. The program ends by 11:30.
Where should we park?
Car Directions
Please park in the Via Ortega parking garage on the corner of Panama Street and Via Ortega. Visitor parking spaces are on level 1, and are marked with green visitor parking signs. Each car will need to pay ~$15 for parking (after extending the time to cover the entire field trip), and payments are made through the ParkMobile app (have your license plate number ready). The parking zone ID for the Via Ortega Garage is 7202. Do not park in spaces labeled for A or C parking permits.
Bus Directions
- Group are dropped off at either Marguerite bus stop on Santa Teresa St near Lomita Dr. We will meet you there. Stanford Campus Map - H-7 on Grid (or on google maps)
- The bus quickly relocates off-campus or to Oak Rd bus parking which is the only bus parking available on campus. Stanford Campus Map - Oak Rd Bus Parking E/F - 2/3 on Grid Buses parked elsewhere will be ticketed by Public Safety
- Group calls bus driver and verifies they are ready for the return pick up. (About a 3 – 4 minute drive from Oak Rd)
- Bus returns for the pickup, minimizing the amount of time our bus stop is blocked, and the group departs.
We will convene at the steps of Mitchell Bldg on the north side of the building. The activity stations are in the Mitchell and Geocorner (bldg 320) buildings.
Should we bring snacks?
We will have graham crackers for all Geokids participants during the break. You are welcome to bring a small snack if you would prefer or have students with food allergies.
How many adults should we bring?
We recommend at least 1 adult per 7 students.
How should we prepare our students?
Please have your students wear name tags. We like to call on the students by name during the program.
Please divide your students into groups. In your confirmation letter, we will let you know how to divide your students, which depends on how many schools and classes are coming on your day.
Students should dress to spend at least 25 minutes outside and should wear appropriate coats. Our soils station is an outdoor station (weather permitting) and we play a game at the 15 min break. Encourage students to bring jackets or sweaters with them.
How does Stanford help with bus funds?
We provide funds for some schools that can't otherwise afford to participate in Geokids. We provide up to $500 per school. Schools must arrange for the bus themselves and then provide an invoice to Stanford (Jennifer Saltzman) in order to be reimbursed.
How can students thank the instructors the free program?
Our Stanford students enjoy hearing from your students after Geokids. We welcome letters, pictures, or copies of their class work such as a KWL chart from your students. It makes the Stanford students know it is worthwhile to volunteer. You can mail the thank you letters to Jennifer Saltzman, 397 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305
What resources do you have for early elementary students?
- We recommend preparing your students academically before coming to Geokids. We provide a field guide for each student.
Download the Field Guide - Another resource that some recommend is Elementary Globe. The soil book is a great introduction for students for the soil station.
- Here are some Earth sciences coloring books from the American Geophysical Union, a professional organization that represents Earth Sciences.
You may be inspired by this article - Using Soil to make Art
We loved the mineral collection and want to come back.
The mineral collection can be visited whenever the Branner Library is open. Please encourage families to return to see the mineral collection. Earth Sciences - Branner Library Hours.