Knowledge into Action
The Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and the Precourt Institute for Energy have a long track record of catalyzing highly effective collaborations across the university.
The institutes bring together people from departments inside and outside the school to tackle important challenges facing the planet. They advance collaborative and interdisciplinary research, engage with external partners to co-produce new policies and scalable solutions, and create cross-cutting curricula to provide students with the skills they need to confront complex problems.
In the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, the university is expanding and building on the successful work of these institutes, as well as adding a new Sustainable Societies Institute, to enhance opportunities for collaboration with policy makers, thought leaders, and industry partners.
Gift Opportunities
- Institute Directors' Discretionary Funds may be allocated toward an institute’s most urgent needs and emerging opportunities by its director.
- Research Grants support early- and mid-stage research with special promise for impact in key challenge areas.
Note: Some research grant gift opportunities are eligible for 1:1 matching through the Sustainability Matching Program.
Banner photo at top of page: Professor Dustin Schroeder and students in Stanford's David Rumsey Map Center. Photo by Stacy Geiken.
For more information contact
Greg Gamble
Senior Director of Development