Greg Beroza honored with AGU’s 2021 Beno Gutenberg Lecture
The lecture is presented annually in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of seismology. Beroza will discuss how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing studies of seismicity.
Geophysicist Greg Beroza, the Wayne Loel Professor of Earth Science, has been honored with the 2021 Beno Gutenberg Lecture from the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
The honor is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of seismology. In his presentation, “How AI is Changing Studies of Seismicity,” Beroza will discuss how data mining and machine learning methods have been applied to seismic monitoring – and what they mean for the future of the field.
“AI-based earthquake monitoring is now ready to be applied at the scale of our largest data sets and can be deployed for real-time applications,” Beroza said.
Beroza’s research explores source processes for shallow earthquakes, intermediate-depth earthquakes, induced earthquakes and slow earthquakes. He leads the Earthquake Seismology lab, which uses observations of ground motion to reach a deeper understanding of earthquake processes.
In addition to working to improve earthquake monitoring by applying data mining and machine learning techniques, he works on methods to anticipate the strength of shaking in earthquakes using the ambient seismic field. His recent research has included development of a new method for using AI to detect millions of imperceptibly small quakes, simulation of shaking caused by hydraulic fracturing and demonstration of the potential for using fiber-optic networks to monitor and study earthquakes.
The Beno Gutenberg Lecture is named to honor the life and work of renowned seismologist Beno Gutenberg and is presented annually during the AGU Fall Meeting. This year’s meeting will be held in New Orleans Dec. 13-17.
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