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Howard Zebker

Kwoh Ting Li Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Geophysics
Howard’s research group specializes in interferometric radar remote sensing applications and technique development, as applied to studies of the Earth and solar system. Originally a microwave engineer, he built support equipment for the SEASAT satellite synthetic aperture radar and designed airborne radar systems. He later developed imaging radar polarimetry, a technique for measurement of the radar scattering matrix of a surface. He is best known for the development of radar interferometry, leading to spaceborne and airborne sensors capable of measuring topography to meter scale accuracy and surface deformation to mm scale. More recently he has been participating in the NASA Cassini Mission to Saturn, concentrating on analysis of data acquired by the radar/radiometer instrument. He is a Fellow of the AGU, IEEE, and Electromagnetics Academy. He has served on a number of National Academy panels, mostly for the Space Studies Board, plus the Naval Studies Board Advanced Radar Technology Panel. He holds a joint appointment with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford, where he serves as Associate Chair for admissions


PhD, Stanford University (1984)
M.S., University of California at Los Angeles, Engineering (1979)
B.S., California Institute of Technology, Engineering and Applied Science (1976)


(650) 723-8067
(650) 723-8067
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